Canon Kiss X7 Also known as EOS Rebel SL1/ Canon EOS 100D World’s smallest and lightest DSLR 18 megapixel APS-C format Sensor Size: 22.3 x 14.9mm 1080 HD video recording at 24p, 25p, and 30p
What’s included: - Camera Body - Canon strap - 2 original Canon Batteries - Original Canon battery charger - 64GB SD card - Canon 18-55mm zoom kit lens - Canon 50mm f1.8 Prime Lens - Sigma 17-50mm f2.8 zoom lens(with hood and cover bag) - Lens Pen for lens cleaning - Manual Book The pictures from 6-10 are taken with the camera and lens included. Perfect Pack for all kinds of photography
キヤノン Kiss X7
別名:EOS Rebel SL1/ Canon EOS 100D
1080 HDビデオ撮影:24p、25p、30p
- カメラ本体
- キヤノン製ストラップ
- キヤノン純正バッテリー2個
- Canon純正バッテリー充電器
- 64GB SDカード
- Canon 18-55mm ズームキットレンズ「端に小さなカビがあるように見えますが、写真に影響を与えるほど中央にはありません。」
- Canon 50mm f1.8プライムレンズ
- SIGMA 17-50mm f2.8ズームレンズ(フード、カバーバッグ付き)
- レンズペン
- 取扱説明書
Canon Kiss X7
Also known as EOS Rebel SL1/ Canon EOS 100D
World’s smallest and lightest DSLR
18 megapixel
APS-C format
Sensor Size: 22.3 x 14.9mm
1080 HD video recording at 24p, 25p, and 30p
What’s included:
- Camera Body
- Canon strap
- 2 original Canon Batteries
- Original Canon battery charger
- 64GB SD card
- Canon 18-55mm zoom kit lens
- Canon 50mm f1.8 Prime Lens
- Sigma 17-50mm f2.8 zoom lens(with hood and cover bag)
- Lens Pen for lens cleaning
- Manual Book
The pictures from 6-10 are taken with the camera and lens included. Perfect Pack for all kinds of photography